Paradise Isle coverTaken from the Paradise Isle: The Hoshida Family Story, edited by Heidi Kim and with a foreword by Franklin Odo, was released in July 2015 from the University Press of Colorado.

Crafted from George Hoshida’s diary and memoir, as well as letters faithfully exchanged with his wife Tamae, Taken from the Paradise Isle is an intimate account of the anger, resignation, philosophy, optimism, and love with which the Hoshida family endured their separation and incarceration during World War II. The volume includes historical footnotes and contextualization as well as government documents detailing the behind-the-scenes handling of the cases of George, Tamae, and others from Hawaii.

It has been a privilege to work with the family and community to bring this important story to publication at long last, decades after George put it together.



WUNC Radio: Prof. Kim speaks with host Frank Stasio on “The State of Things.”

An email Q&A on the Discover Nikkei webpage.

In the video below taken at a public event at Hunter College CUNY, Prof. Kim speaks about the Hoshidas at 1h 33′.

Downloadable press promotional flyer: Kim_ParadiseIsle_Flyer

Review links may be found at the UP Colorado page for the book.

Paradise Isle Facebook page